Bojoe is just your average dachshund around Washington, DC. Always in search of chicken, sofas, and leisure his exploits are journaled in this blog for the world to enjoy.
I imagine this is how rawhide used to be... back in the stone age. This thing Dave brought be today is gi-normous. I wish I knew what to do with it. Do I lick it? Do I run around with it hanging out the sides of my mouth? Maybe I'll hide it when they're not looking... but where?!?
I got to play with my friends on Saturday at the Shirlington dog park. We ran around and barked all morning. I'm usually more into the barking than the running, but I still had a good time. Everyone was so cute in their doxie costumes! Check me out in the "Lil' Stinker" costume.
I Proposed! Well, technically I wasn't there to propose, but I was consulted beforehand. Before Chris and Kaye went off to Disney World to have a grand old time, I posed for this picture with Kaye's ring. A couple times I tried to eat and lick it, but I was distracted with a treat long enough to snap this adorable picture. Little did I know at the time that it would be used in a clever ploy to get her to say yes. I feel so used! She said "Yes," by the way. :)
I'm still far away from completing my M.D., but I have mastered the surgical technique of removing the suqeaker from each and every one of my toys. My latest patient was loofa-dog. He needed a squeakerectomy, STAT, and I was on the case!
Let me just say that the beach is one of the weirdest places on earth. It's like one big playground where you can bury stuff, run around, chase things, and lay in the sun all day.
Why does it have to be ruined by all the water? You know that I'm not a big fan of water, and it's EVERYWHERE! Just give me some stuff to bury, and I'm happy.
I went to watch the planes trake off last weekend. I saw lots of other dogs at the park there, so it was a fun time. I thought of my buddy Chance back in NJ - he would have LOVED all those planes taking off and landing a couple hundred feet above Natinoal Airport! :)
Here I thought it was a Turkish dynasty. Turns out, it's just a nice leather thing I can put my face on while watching tv. Yeah, I watch TV, don't you?
It's been really nice in DC the last couple of weeks, so I've been going out to the dog park to socialize. It's a neat place where dogs smell me every time we meet. It doesn't matter if I've seen them before, or if they're perfect strangers, they love to smell me! Occasionally I'll walk up to a strange dog and smell them, but I'm pretty passive in general.
Today while I was out there I saw Tucker and Lola, my pug friends. Here are some pictures of mydog park experience today.
We almost didn't meet this month, but we made it to Shirlington Park just in time to see my short-long pals! Here are some pics from the February dachshund meetup.
The family had returned from San Diego with a little surprise for me - a "LolliPup" from the doggie bakery. It's everything I want in a treat! It's a doggie biscuit baked onto a rawhide stick. If I could speak I would tell you how good this thing really is. I'd also tell you where I hid the sock that time. So you'll never know! :P
Here's a quick couple pics from San Diego. I think the prarie dog acts a little like me.
Shhh... don't tell anyone - but I have a new hiding spot under the couch. It's pretty cool. It's dark, cozy, quiet, warm, and nobody can take my chewies away. Here a picture they snuck in while I was sleeping under there a few days ago.