Sunday, February 26, 2006

I got to see my friends again!

We almost didn't meet this month, but we made it to Shirlington Park just in time to see my short-long pals! Here are some pics from the February dachshund meetup.

Can I help you?

Here I am, sleeping on the couch. Why can't a guy just lay on his back in a funny position every once in a while when he sleeps?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Doggie Bakery

The family had returned from San Diego with a little surprise for me - a "LolliPup" from the doggie bakery. It's everything I want in a treat! It's a doggie biscuit baked onto a rawhide stick. If I could speak I would tell you how good this thing really is. I'd also tell you where I hid the sock that time. So you'll never know! :P

Here's a quick couple pics from San Diego. I think the prarie dog acts a little like me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I have a new hiding spot

Shhh... don't tell anyone - but I have a new hiding spot under the couch. It's pretty cool. It's dark, cozy, quiet, warm, and nobody can take my chewies away. Here a picture they snuck in while I was sleeping under there a few days ago.

Here's another picture...

...of me and my favorite pasttime - napping!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Just in case... you know

In case you find yourself in a position to deliver puppies, here's an article from one of my favorite sites, eHow. They can tell you how to do just about anything. Today's article of choice: How to deliver puppies. Enjoy!