Bojoe is just your average dachshund around Washington, DC. Always in search of chicken, sofas, and leisure his exploits are journaled in this blog for the world to enjoy.
We almost didn't meet this month, but we made it to Shirlington Park just in time to see my short-long pals! Here are some pics from the February dachshund meetup.
The family had returned from San Diego with a little surprise for me - a "LolliPup" from the doggie bakery. It's everything I want in a treat! It's a doggie biscuit baked onto a rawhide stick. If I could speak I would tell you how good this thing really is. I'd also tell you where I hid the sock that time. So you'll never know! :P
Here's a quick couple pics from San Diego. I think the prarie dog acts a little like me.
Shhh... don't tell anyone - but I have a new hiding spot under the couch. It's pretty cool. It's dark, cozy, quiet, warm, and nobody can take my chewies away. Here a picture they snuck in while I was sleeping under there a few days ago.
In case you find yourself in a position to deliver puppies, here's an article from one of my favorite sites, eHow. They can tell you how to do just about anything. Today's article of choice: How to deliver puppies. Enjoy!