Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I got to play with my friends on Saturday at the Shirlington dog park. We ran around and barked all morning. I'm usually more into the barking than the running, but I still had a good time. Everyone was so cute in their doxie costumes! Check me out in the "Lil' Stinker" costume.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Will You Be My Momma?

I Proposed! Well, technically I wasn't there to propose, but I was consulted beforehand. Before Chris and Kaye went off to Disney World to have a grand old time, I posed for this picture with Kaye's ring. A couple times I tried to eat and lick it, but I was distracted with a treat long enough to snap this adorable picture. Little did I know at the time that it would be used in a clever ploy to get her to say yes. I feel so used! She said "Yes," by the way. :)