Bojoe is just your average dachshund around Washington, DC. Always in search of chicken, sofas, and leisure his exploits are journaled in this blog for the world to enjoy.
I got this in the electronic-mail this morning and thought that you guys might be interested in saving some money at The Sharper Image. I hear they might have an automatic dog feeder and stuff like that. I'm just sayin... so you know.
UPDATE: Here's 20% off at Resoration Hardware for December 4-5.
I've got two words for you folks - FRIED TURKEY. That stuff is amazing. Take it from a fowl expert, it's probably the best way to cook a turkey. That capped off a pretty good Thanksgiving trip that began with a trip to PA with Kaye and Maris. I stayed with the Bishes while Kaye went to a nearby hotel. I always welcome the opportunity to try out a few more couches. One day I'll release a dossier comparing softness, fabric, height, etc. From there, we went to NJ where you can see a picture of me playing outside with Chance, my big yellow lab buddy. Hopefully tonight I'll be dining on juicy fried turkey leftovers with a generous helping of rawhide.
This coupon is good for mucho dinero off at Banana Republic. They don't have much there for me, but I'm happy to share the love. Remember, this is only good Thanksgiving week - November 19-27.
As my first gesture of Christmas cheer, here are some cool coupons for free stuff at Quiznos. Mmmmm... toasty!
By the way, I prefer a regular italian with american cheese, *no* onions please (they're poisonous to doxies). So just in case you would like someone to shar eyour free sub with - I'm your pooch.
Hi again. Sorry that it's been a few days, but I had to dig up some old photos to post on my blog. These three pics are from 9/30/2004. It's me and Brodie sharing a couple toys. What can I say, I only wanted the toy that he has and vice versa!
Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, and you know what that means... LEFTOVERS! I'll be gearing up for the holidays, so check back to see how my preparations are going.
I'm a German dog, so I know my beer. I've been trying this new low-carb option to Bud Light for the last few weeks, and I must say that it's pretty good! I don't have any of my own money, but I hear that it's pretty cheap. I've tried the low-carb Coors, the Rock Green Light, and that new light Becks (awesome, btw). I like the direction that the beer industry is going. My breed is prone to weight gain, andI need to watch my carb intake. So I thank you, Budweiser, for giving us a satisfying choice in low-carb beers.
(I know that it's a funny picture, but don't worry - I'm not actually drinking a beer. It's trick photography, see?)
If this purple squishy ball isn't the best $0.99 investment I've ever picked out of PetSmart, I don't know what is. Sometimes, I'm like the kid who plays with the box more than the toy inside it.
So come over to my place and throw around my new ball!
I wasn't always the devilishly handsome pooch you know today. There was a time when I was young... when I did some things that I'm not so proud of. I relied on my cute face to get me out of a lot of trouble. I'm still here, so I guess it worked!
You be the judge! Here are some pictures from when I was a teenie weenie (thanks Khine!).
No, seriously, I love to sleep. If I could sleep more, I would. It's been said that dogs only do 3 things: eat, play and sleep; and when we sleep we dream about playing or eating. I love to sleep on the floor, on the couch, under a blanket, on the lounge chair, on the bed, in the bed, under the bed, under the couch, outside in the sun, and inside in the sun. You name a place, I'll sleep there.