Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Greetings from Saratoga, NY!

Well, Chris and Kaye are still on their honeymoon (how long are these things?!?). I actually don't mind so much since I get to travel up the east coast to places I've never seen before. There a great house in Saratoga, NY where I can run free like a wild man. I chase squirrels, rabbits, and other vermin to my little heart's content. I've never slept so soundly!

This is kindof like a great little vacation for me too. All these beds, couches, and carpets for me to sleep on; so many new smells around this place, too! I'm not sure when they're coming back, but I'm havin fun in the meantime!

Here are a few pics from our playtimes outside. Phoenix and I in the backyard, in front of the house, and out back on the putting green. I can't putt very well, but I can throw the golf ball around like a doggy Arnold Palmer!

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